13 days left before medFEL!
The final stretch before the doors open. Have you thought about downloading your visitor badge? Visit medfel.com to register!
In the meantime, we’re sharing the latest information you shouldn’t miss.
The return of the Algerian Pavilion
This year marks the return of the Algerian Pavilion with the presence of its institutions, notably the Ministry of Commerce and Export Promotion. Companies such as Kechroud Khaled, SPA MAMEF, Djabel Amana, and La Belle d’Algérie will be present.
Check out the list of exhibitors
Plum harvest anticipations: a first!
For the first time, medFEL will host an anticipation of the plum harvest with the AOPn Prunes. Join us on Wednesday 24 April at the Agora, immediately following the European apricot harvest forecasts at 10:30 am. And for further insights after medFEL, don’t miss the European peach and nectarine harvest forecasts in webinar format as part of the medFEL Tuesdays on May 21.
Focus on Italy
The M.I.N. of Turin (Centro Agro Alimentare Torino SCPA) will be present for the first time, within a pavilion hosting companies FOGLIATI S.A.S. – TRIFOGLIO, F.LLI CAVAGLIÀ S.R.L., EXICA – BORGNINO VITTORIO S.r.l., PICCADILLY S.r.l., LA SENZASEMI, ROYAL FRUIT SRL, NUOVA ISCHIA FRUTTA, QUIRICO SRL.
Check out the list of exhibitors
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