Replay of the press conference, a workshop on AI and the new preferences of pear consumers
The show is coming up, the programme continues to be unveiled, and we keep you up to date with the latest news…
Stay with us as we tell you all about it.
medFEL press conference: replay now available
The medFEL press conference was held on Tuesday 11 March at Interfel’s offices and was attended by Cécilia Céleyrette, Deputy Director of Sector Strategies.
On the agenda?
The highlights of the 15th edition in the Occitanie region, host of the medFEL, the results of studies on fruit and vegetable consumption and its development factors and the sector’s job dating event: medEMPLOI.
> Watch the replay
> Discover the full presentation
A workshop-conference on AI
Artificial Intelligence and Connected Agriculture are on the agenda at this 15th edition of the show, with a mix of innovation and feedback.
- What technologies are being applied to agriculture?
- What feedback have companies given?
- What are the outlooks and developments?
We invite you to discuss this complex and highly relevant subject with us.
> More details on the workshop
Pears: what are the new consumer preferences?
The profile of consumers of juicy, melt-in-the-mouth pears is ageing. On the other hand, crunchy, sweet pears are attracting new consumers, who are younger but still care about their aromatic quality.
At 126,000 tonnes, French production is not sufficient to cover the needs of the market, whose overall consumption is estimated at 200,000 tonnes. ‘While the majority of pear consumers are over sixty, there is a renewed interest in new crunchy, two-tone pears’, says Valentine Cottet, head of the CTIFL sensory evaluation laboratory.
> Read the full article on the website of Réussir Fruits & Légumes FLD
Almost 1 month to go before the 15th edition of medFEL!
Join us on 23-24 April 2025
at the Perpignan Exhibition Center.
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