medFEL breakingnews – episode 12


AI at medFEL, news from our exhibitors, and major partnerships for the 15th edition

From new technologies to consumer challenges, medFEL will undoubtedly be the meeting point for the entire Fruit and Vegetable sector next April.

We’re sharing the freshest updates with you!


Artificial intelligence at medFEL

Digital transformation is set to become a key topic for agricultural and viticultural businesses. To raise awareness among professionals about artificial intelligence, its potential benefits for their activities, and upcoming innovations in this field, AD’OCC is organizing a dedicated workshop on Wednesday 23 April.

More information on the topics covered and the speakers will be available soon.

Discover the current program of the event


News from our exhibitors

The trade show team is working hard to make this 15th edition a success for the entire industry. Here’s what we can share with you about the latest developments:

  • Le Comptoir Rhodanien, which has been producing, packaging, and shipping fruits from the Rhône Valley for over 50 years, will be participating in the 2025 edition for the first time.

  • The Grand Marché de Provence is returning with a space twice as large as the previous edition.

Access the full exhibitors list


Major partnership

Communication is in full swing to highlight the key moments of this upcoming edition. We are excited to renew our partnerships with leading media outlets in the sector: Végétable, Réussir Fruits et Légumes, Biofil, Rungis Actualités, Plein Champ, LSA, Linéaires, Circuits Bio, as well as numerous major international press outlets across several European countries. You’ll be hearing a lot more about medFEL!

More information about the show partners


Only 3 months to go before the 15th edition of medFEL!

Join us on 23-24 April 2025
at the Perpignan Exhibition Center.


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