Save the date medNight, the comeback of the Algerian pavilion and an ambitious roadmap for the future of agriculture and food in Europe
The 15th edition is still full of surprises…
We’ll tell you all about it.
medNight : save the date for a special time
The Occitanie region, AD’OCC and the entire medFEL team invite you to share a festive and convivial evening on Wednesday 23rd April from 6.30pm.
This will be an opportunity to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the show, in a musical atmosphere open to all exhibitors and visitors.
Save the date!
Stay tuned for the latest news:
> Read the full programme
International: medFEL welcomes back an Algerian pavilion
The 2025 edition will be a truly international one, with the return of Algeria. A promise of productive commercial exchanges for the sector, which once again promises to be a unique and unmissable event for professionals.
We can also confirm the interest shown by visitors, who are registering at a steady rate, up 4% on 2024.
The European Commission will prevent the import of fruit containing pesticides banned in the EU
The Commission presented yesterday its vision for agriculture and food, an ambitious roadmap for the future of agriculture and food in Europe.
This roadmap paves the way for an attractive, competitive, resilient, future-oriented and fair agri-food system for current and future generations of farmers and agri-food operators.
> Read the full article on Revista Mercados
Less than 2 months to go before the 15th edition of medFEL!
Join us on 23-24 April 2025
at the Perpignan Exhibition Center.
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